(701) 221-2299
We ask all patients to fill out our Online Registration form unless you have already been interviewed by one of our nurses from the BSA. You also need to review the patient rights and responsibilities before your surgery. Below we posted a copy of our surgery and anesthesia consent (link under "Day of your surgery") so you may review it before your surgery. Bring your insurance card and photo ID. On the day of surgery, you should not eat or drink anything unless the BSA nurse told you otherwise. We have you come in approximately 1.5 hours before a surgical procedure. Please keep in mind our times are estimates based off previous averages of the PLANNED surgical procedure. Your physician will not rush a surgery to catch up, just as you would not want him/her to rush when you are the patient. We will try to keep you and your loved ones updated as to if the physician is on time or not. If at any time you would like an update please don't hesitate to ask. We also have a status monitor in the waiting room so you can the progression of the patient and procedure. If your procedure is later in the day you may also call in ahead and verify your arrival time.
If the patient is younger than 18 one adult needs to be in the building at all times.
When you come into the pre-op area please mute your cell phone or leave it with your driver.
If your driver needs to leave the premises have them speak to the receptionist to confirm a phone number they can be reached at if the need would arise.
Please leave valuables at home, BSA is not responsible for lost items. You will be asked to remove any jewelry including metal piercing. Your clothing will be placed in a bag with your name on, but it is not locked. Rings must come off the operative side if having hand, elbow or shoulder surgery.
Please wear glasses rather than contact lens, if you are having general anesthesia, you will be asked to take your glasses off during your procedure.
You will be asked to remove your dentures if you are having a general anesthesia.
Please be aware you may be asked to remove your hearing aids during the procedure.
You will be asked to take either Pepcid 20 mg or Zantac 150 mg or an appropriate substitute one hour before you arrive at BSA if you are having a general anesthetic.
If you are having a general anesthesia BSA requires an EKG with in the last 12 months if you have Heart disease, Hypertension, diabetic, or over 65 year old.
BSA also requires a potassium lab report within 30 days if you are on a diuretic and having general anesthesia.
If you have a pacemaker please bring your implant card so we can scan the information into your chart,
Please bring your insurance card and photo ID so we can scan them into your chart.
We have free internet, just ask someone for the password.
Clothing, surgical prep and other specifics please click appropriate:
Shoulder/Bicep Procedure
Elbow/hand Procedures
Knee Procedures
Foot/ankle Procedures
After you check in at the front desk you will be escorted back to our pre op surgical area. We will ask one adult to accompany any small kids. You will be asked to change into our surgical gowns then be seated. A member of our staff will go over your consent to verify your procedure and sign an anesthesia consent. The nurse will review your medical record and prepare you for surgery. An Anesthesia provider will meet with you to discuss your anesthetic plan.
Bismarck Surgical Associates
106 E Greenfield Ln Bismarck ND 58501
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